Build Notes for Version 15.0 of Oxygen XML Editor/Author/Developer

Build ID: 2013071613

Wed, 17 July 2013 14:00:00 GMT

Hyperlink detection: Fixed a NullPointerException that could happen when triggering the hyperlink detection by pressing and holding Ctrl (or Cmd on the Mac).

Database/MS SQL Server: The JDBC URL was incorrectly escaped when specifying the instance name in the form jdbc:sqlserver://serverName\instanceName;

DITA Maps Manager: Exporting a DITA map located on a Windows share (UNC path) resulted in an empty ZIP file.

XSLT Debugger/Breakpoints: Fixed a NullPointerException that could occur when deleting the condition from a conditional breakpoint.

Author/Content Completion Assistant: Clicking on the scroll arrows from the content completion list was causing the list to hide.

XSLT Transformation/Saxon-HE: Running a transformation with a stylesheet that contains xsl:result-document failed with the Saxon-HE transformation engine.

Content Completion Assistant: Content Completion Assistant in an XML file was missing some components when using an XML Schema 1.0 schema with a specific context (xs:choice) and the 'Default XML Schema version' was set to 1.0.

Linux: Fixed a InvocationTargetException/NoSuchMethodError: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass when running the application with OpenJDK or Java 8.

WebHelp: The search did no locate words placed between the characters < and > in titles.

WebHelp/IE 7: Some icons (notice, important, warning, danger) were not displayed in Internet Explorer 7.

Build ID: 2013062614

Wed, 26 Jun 2013 8:00:00 GMT

WebHelp/Internal frames: When clicking some of the links from the "Related Links" section, the pages that the links point to did not open.

WebHelp/Internal frames: Reverted width of very thin vertical scroll bar to normal width in the content frame of WebHelp output (right side frame of the Web browser window).

Linux installation: Preferred the bundled JRE that comes with the Oxygen kit instead of the JRE already installed on the machine.

Java WebStart: The maximum Java memory available by default for the Oxygen application was increased to 512 MB.

eXist-db XML Connection Wizard: Changed the name of a field for configuring the server path to the eXist-db XML Java WebStart Admin Client JNLP.

Content Completion Assistant: Reduced the set of XML attributes for which the Content Completion Assistant automatically suggested in the attribute value the names of directories and files from the local file system.

DITA Map validation: Fixed a NullPointerException in the action that validates a DITA map of a DITA specialization that does not declare a fixed value for the @domains attribute.

Open file (only Eclipse plugin): Ctrl+Click on an attribute value containing a file path now opens that file path in the appropriate editor (XML Schema Editor, etc).

Build ID: 2013061418

Tue, 18 Jun 2013 8:00:00 GMT

Hyperlink detection: When triggering the hyperlink detection by pressing and holding Ctrl (or Cmd on the Mac), the GUI was unresponsive for a few seconds.

SharePoint: When the authentication failed due to incorrect user/password, the "Authorization required" dialog prompted the user name in the escaped form and had to be manually corrected.

XSLT Debugger: The debugging session ended abruptly with a FileNotFoundException, when encountering an xsl:result-document with a href pointing to a file from a nonexistent parent folder.

XQuery: Avoided an unhandled error with the message "Transformation process stopped by user" that appeared in some situations during the XQuery transformation, even though the user didn't stop the transformation.

Open file at cursor: When using the "Open file at cursor" shortcut (Ctrl+Enter or Cmd+Enter), content from the content completion popup list was accidentally inserted in the document.

Open/Find Resource indexing: Fixed an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException that could occur when adding new content.

DITA Maps Manager: Each time a DITA Map indirectly referenced from another map was saved in the main editor, its reference was duplicated in the DITA Maps manager tree.

DITA Maps Manager: Renaming a topic file unnecessarily altered a conrefend attribute.

DITA: After changing the root map context from the DITA Maps Manager the validation was not invoked on the open topics.

eXist-db XML Connection Wizard: When pressing OK the wizard failed silently and had no effect.

eXist-db XML Connection Wizard: Added a new field for configuring the server path to the eXist-db XML Java Web Start Admin Client JNLP.

Eclipse 4.2/Juno: Pressing F2 when a documentation tooltip appeared did not focus the documentation tooltip as advertised.

WSDL: Added documentation in content completion tooltips for elements from the SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, HTTP and MIME namespaces.

WSDL Documentation: Fixed StackOverflowError when generating WSDL documentation on a hierarchy of WSDL documents that contained circular dependencies.

WSDL Documentation: Fixed the location of components when generating WSDL documentation.

WebHelp: When clicking some of the links from the "Related Links" section, the pages that the links point to did not open.

WebHelp/Internal frames: Added some padding on the left side of the content frame, near the separator bar.

WebHelp with Feedback: After password recovery the user was redirected to a broken URL instead of the initial page.

Author Component: The Author Component applet now works even without setting System.setSecurityManager(null).

Build ID: 2013060616

Fri, 7 Jun 2013 12:30:00 GMT