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Constructs Used to Group Schema Components

This section explains the components that can be used for grouping other schema components.

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Figure 1. Attributes Construct

Groups all attributes and attribute groups belonging to a complex type.

Table 1. attributes Properties
Property Name Description Possible Values
Component The element that has the attributes displayed Not editable property
System ID The component system ID Not editable property
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Figure 2. Constraints Construct

Groups all constraints (xs:key, xs:keyRef, or xs:unique) belonging to an element.

Table 2. constraints Properties
Property Name Description Possible Values
Component The element that has the constraints displayed Not editable property
System ID The component system ID Not editable property
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Figure 3. Substitutions Construct

Groups all elements that can substitute the current element.

Table 3. substitutions Properties
Property Name Description Possible Values
Component The element that has the substitutions displayed Not editable property
System ID The component system ID Not editable property