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Figure 1. The xs:simpleType Component

Defines a simple type. A simple type definition is a set of constraints on strings and information about the values they encode, applicable to the normalized value of an attribute information item or of an element information item with no element children. Informally, it applies to the values of attributes and the text-only content of elements. See more info at http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/#element-simpleType.

Tip: A simple type that is a base type to another type will be rendered with yellow background.
Table 1. xs:simpleType Properties
Name Description Possible Values Scope
Name Simple type name. Always required. Any NCName Only for global simple types. If missing, will be displayed as '[simpleType]' in diagram.
Derivation A simple type category restriction, list, or union For all simple types
Base Type A simple type definition component. Required if derivation method is set to restriction. All global simple types and built-in simple types. In addition another 3 proposals are present: [anonymous restriction], [anonymous list], [anonymous union] for easily create anonymous simple types. For global and anonymous simple types with the derivation method set to restriction
Item Type A simple type definition component. Required if derivation method is set to list. All global simple types and built-in simple types(from schema for schema). In addition another 3 proposals are present: [anonymous restriction], [anonymous list], [anonymous union] for easily create anonymous simple types. For global and anonymous simple types with the derivation method set to list. Derivation by list is the process of transforming a simple datatype (named the item type) into a whitespace-separated list of values from this datatype. The item type can be defined inline by adding a simpleType definition as a child element of the list element, or by reference, using the itemType attribute (it is an error to use both).
Member Types Category for grouping union members Not editable property For global and anonymous simple types with the derivation method set to union
Member A simple type definition component. Required if derivation method is set to union. All global simple types and built-in simple types(from schema for schema). In addition another 3 proposals are present: [anonymous restriction], [anonymous list], [anonymous union] for easily create anonymous simple types. For global and anonymous simple types with the derivation method set to union. Deriving a simple datatype by union merges the lexical spaces of several simple datatypes (called member types) to create a new simple datatype. The member types can be defined either by reference (through the memberTypes attribute) or embedded as simple datatype local definitions in the xs:union element. Both styles can be mixed.
Final Blocks any further derivations of this datatype (by list, union, derivation or all) #all, list, restriction, union, list restriction, list union, restriction union. In addition, [Empty] proposal is present for set empty string as value. Only for global simple types
ID The component ID Any ID For all simple types
Component The name of the edited component Not editable property Only for global and local simple types
Namespace The component namespace Not editable property For global simple types
System ID The component system ID Not editable property Not present for built-in simple types