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Oxygen XML Editor is available on Windows, Linux, and macOS and there are a variety of methods and options for installing and running Oxygen XML Editor on your system or server. This section also includes information about registering, transferring, or releasing licenses, upgrading, installing add-ons, and uninstalling.

Choosing How Oxygen XML Editor Runs

You can install Oxygen XML Editor to run in several ways:

  • As a desktop application (running standalone or as an Eclipse plugin) on Windows, Linux, or macOS.
  • As a desktop application (running standalone or as an Eclipse plugin) on a Unix or Linux server or on Windows Terminal Server.

Choosing an Installer

You also have a choice of several different installers:

  • The native installer for your platform (Windows, Linux, or macOS).
  • On Windows and Linux, the native installer can also run in unattended mode.

Choosing a License Option

You must obtain and register a license to run Oxygen XML Editor.

You can choose from two types of licenses:
  • A named-user license, which can be used by a single person on multiple computers.
  • A floating license, which can be used by different people at different times. Only one person can use a floating license at a time.

Upgrading, Transferring, and Uninstalling.

You can also upgrade Oxygen XML Editor, transfer a license, or uninstall Oxygen XML Editor.

Getting Help With Installation

If you need help, email support at: support@oxygenxml.com.