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Symbols Used in the Schema Diagram

The views in the schema diagram editor renders all the Relax NG schema patterns with the following intuitive symbols:

  • - define pattern with the @name attribute set to the value shown inside the rectangle (in this example name).
  • - define pattern with the @combine attribute set to interleave and the @name attribute set to the value shown inside the rectangle (in this example attlist.person).
  • - define pattern with the @combine attribute set to choice and the @name attribute set to the value shown inside the rectangle (in this example attlist.person).
  • - element pattern with the @name attribute set to the value shown inside the rectangle (in this example name).
  • - attribute pattern with the @name attribute set to the value shown inside de rectangle (in this case note).
  • - ref pattern with the @name attribute set to the value shown inside the rectangle (in this case family).
  • - oneOrMore pattern.
  • - zeroOrMore pattern.
  • - optional pattern.
  • - choice pattern.
  • - value pattern (for example, used inside a choice pattern).
  • - group pattern.
  • - A pattern from the Relax NG Annotations namespace (http://relaxng.org/ns/compatibility/annotations/1.0) that is treated as a documentation element in a Relax NG schema.
  • - text pattern.
  • - empty pattern.