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Conditional Processing to Generate Multiple Deliverables

By default, the content of most elements is included in all output media. Within maps and topics, elements can specify the delivery targets to which they apply.

Within maps, topic references can use the @deliveryTarget attribute to indicate the delivery targets to which they apply. Within topics, most elements can use the @deliveryTarget attribute to indicate the delivery targets.

If a referenced topic should be excluded from all output formats, set the @processing-role attribute to resource-only instead of using the @deliveryTarget attribute. Content within that topic can still be referenced for display in other locations.

The intended delivery target of the content, for example html, pdf, or epub. This attribute is a replacement for the now deprecated @print attribute.

The @deliveryTarget attribute is specialized from the @props attribute. It is defined in the deliveryTargetAttDomain, which is integrated into all OASIS-provided document-type shells. If this domain is not integrated into a given document-type shell, the @deliveryTarget attribute will not be available.

The @deliveryTarget attribute is processed the same way as any other conditional processing attribute. For example, <topicref deliveryTarget="html5 epub" href="example.dita"/> uses two values for @deliveryTarget. A conditional processing profile can then set rules for @deliveryTarget that determine whether the topic is included or excluded when the map is rendered as HTML5 or EPUB.