Limit open/find ressource scope

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Limit open/find ressource scope

Post by Oleksii »

Dear team,

Currently, the "open/find resource" feature ( ... Cressource) searches all files within the scope of the XPR project. However, I need to limit this scope. I tried adjusting the "Change Search and Refactor operations scope" preference on the project level, where I defined working sets within which I want to perform searches. However, it seems that these two features are not connected with each other.
Is there any possibility to achieve my goal?

<oXygen/> XML Editor 26.0, build 2024012406
Kind regards,
Oleksii Sapov-Erlinger
Posts: 409
Joined: Mon May 09, 2016 9:37 am

Re: Limit open/find ressource scope

Post by sorin_carbunaru »


Yes, I think those 2 features are indeed not connected. You could try going to the Options menu > Preferences > Open/Find Resource page and adjust the settings from there.

Sorin Carbunaru
Oxygen XML Editor
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Re: Limit open/find ressource scope

Post by Oleksii »

If I need to exclude a drive completely, is it correct to add

Code: Select all

(on Windows) to the "ignore these files" option?

Code: Select all

*.tmp, *.temp, *.bak, *.fo, *~, */.*, */temp/*, */out/*, K:/**/*, L:/**/*
Currently, the indexing lasts already for ~1 hour (260K items), so it seems that the drives are still indexed.
Kind regards,
Oleksii Sapov-Erlinger
Posts: 9283
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2004 5:18 pm

Re: Limit open/find ressource scope

Post by Radu »

HI Oleksii,

I would probably use something like this:

Code: Select all

so add a wildcard also at the beginning, this seemed to work for me.
Or in the Preferences->Open/Find Resource page check the "Only index files indexed in the DITA Map as resource only".

Or of course avoid adding your entire drive in the Project :)

Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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