Oxygen XML Question For Newbie

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Re: Oxygen XML Question For Newbie

Post by xephon »

If you would like to indent the text in PDF or HTML output, you need to style it with CSS. What you need to do and how this needs to be done depends on your output format and the technology you use, e.g. if you use an HTML+CSS based PDF output or an XSL:FO/FOP based output. You maybe should try the Oxygen Styles Basket. I think that's the perfect starting point for your journey. Good luck!
stefan-jung.org – Your DITA/DITA-OT XML consultant
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Re: Oxygen XML Question For Newbie

Post by Radu »

Some resources for learning DITA XML with Oxygen:
As Stefan said above, with XML content in general the information is separate from the publishing layout, so the publishing customizations (margins, padding, custom logos, etc) are done as a separate CSS layer.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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