Compatibility Check - Intel Core i7 Laptops and Oxygen XML Versions

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Compatibility Check - Intel Core i7 Laptops and Oxygen XML Versions

Post by Sarajmorris »

Hey everyone,

I'm currently in the market for a new laptop to improve my XML editing workflow with Oxygen XML. I've heard great things about Intel Core i7 processors, and I'm considering getting one. However, before making a purchase, I wanted to inquire about the compatibility between Intel Core i7 laptops [ ] and different versions of Oxygen XML.

Here are a few questions I have:

Are there any known compatibility issues between Oxygen XML and specific Intel Core i7 laptop models?
Does Oxygen XML work seamlessly across all generations of Intel Core i7 processors, or are there any limitations with older or newer versions?
Are there any specific configurations or hardware requirements that are recommended for the best performance with Oxygen XML on an Intel Core i7 laptop?
Can anyone share their personal experiences with using Oxygen XML on an Intel Core i7 laptop? Any tips or tricks to optimize performance?
I would greatly appreciate any insights, experiences, or recommendations that the community can provide. Thank you in advance for your help!
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Re: Compatibility Check - Intel Core i7 Laptops and Oxygen XML Versions

Post by adrian »


First I should mention that we cannot possibly test Oxygen with any and all combinations of hardware. We generally test on all supported OSs (macOS, Windows, Linux) on minimum and recommended requirements.
Oxygen will generally work well with any strong 4-core CPU (i5 and up) with at least 8GB of RAM.
Note that there are some low power Celeron/Atom 4-core CPUs that can be rather weak and are not recommended, at least not for production purposes.
Are there any known compatibility issues between Oxygen XML and specific Intel Core i7 laptop models?
No, none that we are aware of.
Does Oxygen XML work seamlessly across all generations of Intel Core i7 processors, or are there any limitations with older or newer versions?
Some older mobile Core i7 processors are actually 2-core/4-threads CPUs, so those aren't actually in the recommended category.
Regarding the new Core i7 processors with performance/efficiency cores, we haven't performed any specific tests on them, if that's what you're wondering, but they should perform well. The OS is the one that has to know how to manage the P/E cores, not our software.
Are there any specific configurations or hardware requirements that are recommended for the best performance with Oxygen XML on an Intel Core i7 laptop?
These aren't Oxygen specific recommendations, but rather general...
I would recommend at least 12GB of RAM if you work with many apps (or a few memory hungry ones), 16GB or more won't hurt. On Windows/Linux Oxygen uses by default 4GB of your RAM as Java heap memory. Expect it to use this entire amount after a while. Since Oxygen runs within a Java VM this memory is rarely given back to the system.

I would recommend reading some reviews about the laptop model that you intend to purchase and see if it is correctly cooled.
The most significant issue of today's laptops is not that of CPU power, but CPU cooling. A powerful CPU that heats up and is then throttled (frequency limited) is less useful than a slower CPU that is correctly cooled.
Can anyone share their personal experiences with using Oxygen XML on an Intel Core i7 laptop? Any tips or tricks to optimize performance?
IMHO, any optimizations that you can do are not CPU related.
Give Oxygen more heap memory, if it needs it (working with large files).

Adrian Buza
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
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