GPG signing not working in Oxygen Git Connector?

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GPG signing not working in Oxygen Git Connector?

Post by sabinebennett »

Does the Oxygen Git Connector support GPG signing? I have GPG configured on my machine (MacbookPro) and GPG is set up in my Github account. But when I try to commit changes via the Oxygen Git Connector, I get an error message saying that the GPG service isn't running. The commit only works if I set gpgsign="false" in the git config file. The GPG signing works with other Git clients, like Sourcetree for example.

Am I missing some config setting in the Oxygen Git Connector?
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Re: GPG signing not working in Oxygen Git Connector?

Post by alex_jitianu »


It appears as though we are missing a required library. I will register an issue for the next release, but meanwhile you can add the library yourself:
- download the GPG support for JGit based on BouncyCastle library
- in Oxygen, go to Options->Preferences... on page Plugins and select the Git Client and copy the Location path
- open the Location path in an explorer and go in the lib folder
- copy in the lib folder the jar downloaded at the first step
Restart Oxygen and give it a try. Please let me know how it goes.

Best regards,
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Re: GPG signing not working in Oxygen Git Connector?

Post by sabinebennett »

Hi Alex,
Happy New Year, and thanks for the quick reply. I tried what you suggested, but it didn't work. I still get an error message saying "Commit failed. Signing service is not available." The commit still only works if I set gpgsign = false in the git config file.
Best regards,
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Re: GPG signing not working in Oxygen Git Connector?

Post by alex_jitianu »

Hi Sabine,
I was so sure I didn't test it myself, but you are right, of course. I tried to add the library myself now with the same result. To fix it, I had to add two more libraries:
- ... n-1.70.jar
- ... n-1.70.jar
I don't have a GPG key, so all I got now was the error "no matching secret key found in legacy secring.gpg for key or user id: ....", but this leads me to believe that in your case it will detect the key and it will work. Please give it a try.

Best regards,
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Re: GPG signing not working in Oxygen Git Connector?

Post by sabinebennett »

Hi Alex,
I added the two .jar files, like you suggested. Now I don't get an error message, but the commit just hangs. It never actually "commits". So it's unfortunately still not working.
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Re: GPG signing not working in Oxygen Git Connector?

Post by alex_jitianu »

I'm sorry to hear that. I'll test it myself and get back to you once I have either reproduced the issue or successfully committed. Either way, I hope we can manage to put this support built-in in the next Git Client release.

Best regards,
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Re: GPG signing not working in Oxygen Git Connector?

Post by sorin_carbunaru »


Sorry for the late reply, but the Git Client was not a top priority for us in the last year and a half. Still we managed to find some time to give it a little love, and we were able to add commit signing. If you would be interested in trying it out, I could gladly provide an internal build, as the feature is still not fully tested so it was not released. Just write us at

All the best wishes,
Sorin Carbunaru
Oxygen XML Editor
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