Using Saxon CollectionFinder from Oxygen XML
Here should go questions about transforming XML with XSLT and FOP.
Using Saxon CollectionFinder from Oxygen XML
I'm successfully running transformations using a CollectionFinder, using
ant and command line with the flag
When I try to run the same transformation frorth adding for the transform options in om Oxygen XML with a config
file containing
I get "Content not allowed in prolog" and no error message from the
I know the config file is used (and the class in the classpath), because I
get a warning (that the class Doesn't implement collectionUriResolver) if I
add/use the same class in the collectionUriResolver attribute in the global
The Saxon version is SaxonEE (Oxygen 21.1).
I like the property in the xspec ant build , would something similar be useful for adding ad-hoc options in Oxygen on xml-transforms for scenarios and debugging?
Best regards,
Øyvind Gjesdal
I'm successfully running transformations using a CollectionFinder, using
ant and command line with the flag
When I try to run the same transformation frorth adding for the transform options in om Oxygen XML with a config
file containing
Code: Select all
<configuration xmlns="";
<global collectionFinder="no.uib.saxon.ef.XlsxCollectionFinder"
I know the config file is used (and the class in the classpath), because I
get a warning (that the class Doesn't implement collectionUriResolver) if I
add/use the same class in the collectionUriResolver attribute in the global
The Saxon version is SaxonEE (Oxygen 21.1).
I like the
Code: Select all
Best regards,
Øyvind Gjesdal
Re: Using Saxon CollectionFinder from Oxygen XML
You can also set in Oxygen the "saxon.custom.options" property. For this you need to edit the "Run XSpec Test" transformation scenario, select the "Parameters" tab, then edit the "saxon.custom.options" property and set the value to "-init:no.uib.saxon.ef.SimmetricsInitializer --collection-finder-class:no.uib.saxon.ef.XlsxCollectionFinder".
You need also to add the library containing the "no.uib.saxon.ef.XlsxCollectionFinder" class in the scenario. For this need to go in the scenario Options tab, click on the "Libraries" button, and add the library.
Yes, If I use the Saxon configuration file the transformation does not work. But this does not work also if I use Saxon from command line and I specify the given configuration using "-config" option. Probably it is a problem in Saxon or in the configuration file. I will reply to your email from the Saxon mailing list with this issue.
Best Regards,
You can also set in Oxygen the "saxon.custom.options" property. For this you need to edit the "Run XSpec Test" transformation scenario, select the "Parameters" tab, then edit the "saxon.custom.options" property and set the value to "-init:no.uib.saxon.ef.SimmetricsInitializer --collection-finder-class:no.uib.saxon.ef.XlsxCollectionFinder".
You need also to add the library containing the "no.uib.saxon.ef.XlsxCollectionFinder" class in the scenario. For this need to go in the scenario Options tab, click on the "Libraries" button, and add the library.
Yes, If I use the Saxon configuration file the transformation does not work. But this does not work also if I use Saxon from command line and I specify the given configuration using "-config" option. Probably it is a problem in Saxon or in the configuration file. I will reply to your email from the Saxon mailing list with this issue.
Best Regards,
Octavian Nadolu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
<oXygen/> XML Editor
Re: Using Saxon CollectionFinder from Oxygen XML
Hi Octavian,
Thank you for the detailed explanation and following up on the Saxon configuration file. I did not think of testing the config file from command line, since I thought I needed PE or EE edition, but I see that the facility was made available already in Saxon 9.4.
Best regards
Thank you for the detailed explanation and following up on the Saxon configuration file. I did not think of testing the config file from command line, since I thought I needed PE or EE edition, but I see that the facility was made available already in Saxon 9.4.

Best regards
Re: Using Saxon CollectionFinder from Oxygen XML
FYI: I created an issue on the Saxon issue tracker for this:
Michael committed that the collectionFinder attribute is ignored completely from the Saxon.
(I have a similar problem, but I'm calling Saxon not directly but using the calabash for an XProc pipeline)
BR, Nico
FYI: I created an issue on the Saxon issue tracker for this:
Michael committed that the collectionFinder attribute is ignored completely from the Saxon.
(I have a similar problem, but I'm calling Saxon not directly but using the calabash for an XProc pipeline)
BR, Nico
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