Embed Impress.js in DITA topic

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Embed Impress.js in DITA topic

Post by PaulS »


Is it possible to add an impress.js to a dita file and diplay it there?

Thank you.
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Re: Embed Impress.js in DITA topic

Post by Radu »


Could you tell us more about your usecase?
Do you want to obtain some kind of powerpoint presentation from your DITA content?

We are not very familiar with impress.js, it probably works with HTML content in a web browser so you would need to convert the DITA content to HTML and connect the Javascript in the HTML possibly.

Oxygen uses the DITA Open Toolkit for DITA publishing.
One of our users is working on a similar idea, a DITA Open Toolkit plugin which aims to create Powerpoint presentations from DITA content by using the reveal.js framework:

https://github.com/xephon2/com.github.x ... ree/master

So you could test it and see if it works for you.

Radu Coravu
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Re: Embed Impress.js in DITA topic

Post by mhGLEIF »

Radu wrote:Hi,

Could you tell us more about your usecase?
Do you want to obtain some kind of powerpoint presentation from your DITA content?

We are not very familiar with impress.js, it probably works with HTML content in a web browser so you would need to convert the DITA content to HTML and connect the Javascript in the HTML possibly.

Oxygen uses the DITA Open Toolkit for DITA publishing.
One of our users is working on a similar idea, a DITA Open Toolkit plugin which aims to create Powerpoint presentations from DITA content by using the reveal.js framework:

https://github.com/xephon2/com.github.x ... ree/master

So you could test it and see if it works for you.

Hello Radu,

I see that that link no longer works - a pity!

Does this mean that the PPT plugin is no longer in development? I would think a set of DITA transforms to produce the whole range of standard productivity formats in one open XML dialect would be exceptionally useful for almost any oXygen user?

Maybe it's best to go straight to the DITA usergroups and ask around for existing XSLTs rather than to look here?
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Re: Embed Impress.js in DITA topic

Post by Radu »


The plugin I mentioned has moved here:


I should mention that it does not create powerpoint, it creates browser-based HTML files which can be used as slides.
At some point DITA guru Eliot Kimber was working on a DITA to PPT publishing process, I'm not sure what the stage of that implementation is.
Indeed if you ask around on the DITA Users List, Eliot is also registered there so he (and maybe somebody else who worked on such a publishing format) might give you more details.

Radu Coravu
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Re: Embed Impress.js in DITA topic

Post by xephon »

Hi @mhGLEIF,

I'm developing the plugin. Please follow the instructions on Github and read the documentation in Confluence. If you need support, please ask a question here or create a Github issue.

Hope you'll enjoy it,

stefan-jung.org – Your DITA/DITA-OT XML consultant
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