Ability to Add an Action that Enables/Disables Plugin Option (DITA Prolog Updater)

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Ability to Add an Action that Enables/Disables Plugin Option (DITA Prolog Updater)

Post by dreifsnider »

Hi Oxygen Support,

My team extensively uses the DITA Prolog Updater plugin to update the revised date in DITA topics.

However, we've realized that not every modification requires the revised date to be updated. In fact, for some changes, such as fixing typos and making text more readable, we don't want the revised date to be updated.

To prevent the DITA Prolog Updater from automatically updating the revised date on save, we have to go into Oxygen XML Author's Preferences and manually disable the option to Update revised dates:
image.png (48.82 KiB) Viewed 213 times
We then have to make sure to reenable the option once we want the DITA Prolog Updater to start updating revised dates again, and we often forget to do this.

Therefore, we would like the ability to have a button in the toolbar that could quickly enable/disable this option in the plugin. To add a button, I was wondering if there's an action that we can use to control this option in this plugin? We could then add this action as a button in the toolbar in the Document Type Association configuration dialog.
image.png (56.46 KiB) Viewed 213 times

Cosmin Duna
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Re: Ability to Add an Action that Enables/Disables Plugin Option (DITA Prolog Updater)

Post by Cosmin Duna »

Hi Daniel,
We have an internal issue for adding a toolbar button, and I've added your request on it for increasing its priority. However, I cannot confirm when or if it will be implemented in the near future.

Unfortunately, you cannot add a button using the Document Type Association configuration. You can only do this through the Java plugin code. Since the plugin is open source (https://github.com/oxygenxml/oxygen-dit ... ater-addon), if you have a Java developer interested in this enhancement, please send an email to support@oxygenxml.com for further details on implementation.

Best regards,
Cosmin Duna
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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