Questions concerning AI Positron Assistant

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Questions concerning AI Positron Assistant

Post by susannecm »

Hi everyone,
I've been playing a bit with the AI and I have some questions concerning possible use cases.
- At the moment, the assistant always seems to work on a single DITA topic. Do you have any plans to support a selection of topics, or the entire content referenced in a DITA map? Or is this not possible due to the maximum prompt size?
- Which models can be used with the assistant? All models available through the OpenAI API or only a subset? What about input and output that is not text-based?
Thank you for your help
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Re: Questions concerning AI Positron Assistant

Post by Radu »

Hello Susanne,

Thanks for the feedback, please see some answers below:
At the moment, the assistant always seems to work on a single DITA topic. Do you have any plans to support a selection of topics, or the entire content referenced in a DITA map? Or is this not possible due to the maximum prompt size?
Actually our latest release of the add-on added support to refactor multiple files: ... efactoring
- Which models can be used with the assistant? All models available through the OpenAI API or only a subset?
Not all models are available but in the Oxygen Preferences->"Plugins / Oxygen AI Positron Assistant" page you can switch to using GPT 4. ... 5p_y14_wxb
What about input and output that is not text-based?
Not yet, we do have future plans for this though (both to allow attaching files to a request and to generate images from prompts).
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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Re: Questions concerning AI Positron Assistant

Post by alex_jitianu »

We released Oxygen AI Positron 2.0 in which there is a new feature to generate documentation drafts based on both text and images. Please give it a try and let us know your thoughts!
Our next webinar will also present this feature: ... ation.html

Best regards,
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Re: Questions concerning AI Positron Assistant

Post by sljohns »

I've played around with the latest release of AI positron. Well done!
Is there a way to identify the coordinates of the callouts in the image and populate an imagemap like the following for each callout? It does a good job at identifying the callouts. It just can't find the coordinates.
<coords>378, 380, 14</coords>
<xref href="" format="dita"/>
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Re: Questions concerning AI Positron Assistant

Post by sorin_carbunaru »


I tried to ask the AI to find the coordinates of a button from an image I attached and it just told me where in the image the button is found (e.g. bottom-left corner). But it seems it cannot compute the coordinates
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Joined: Wed Mar 01, 2023 5:45 pm

Re: Questions concerning AI Positron Assistant

Post by sljohns »

That's my results as well @sorin_carbunaru
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