Deleted Content / Search Results

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Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by jonathanm »


Deleted words and deleted topics are still displayed in search results.

I tried the following:
1. I deleted outdated HTML files.
2. I tried the clean.output to Yes , but it did not work.
3. I did a DITA MAP and Completeness Check, so that wasn't the issue.

Please advise.
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Re: Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by jonathanm »

Do some of these search files need to be deleted?
image.png (70.7 KiB) Viewed 762 times
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Re: Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by marius »


The index is created from all html files found in the output folder.
Can you try to run the transformation using a different output folder to see if the problem still persists?
One other thing, if you have in your dita topics references to other topics (not necessarily referenced in the ditamap), the html correspondents for this referenced topics are also generated and are present in your output, thus are also indexed. Maybe your unwanted search results came from these files.
If none of the above solve your issue, we will need a sample to reproduce this on our side.

Marius Ciolacu
Syncro Soft / Oxygen XML
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Re: Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by jonathanm »

Hi Marius,
I tested different folders for output, but still had problems.
A normal topic on site looks like this:
image.png (265.63 KiB) Viewed 608 times
When search results show a topic that has been deleted but still appears in search results, the topic will look like this:
image.png (161.07 KiB) Viewed 608 times
We use SourceTree to upload our files to GIT. Could that be the issue?
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Re: Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by marius »


Could you please confirm if all available options were enabled when you performed the DITA Map Completeness Check?
Based on the information you've provided, enabling the following options may help in identifying potential issues:
  • Report references to resources outside of the DITA map folder
  • Report links to topics not referenced in DITA maps.
If after enabling all checks there are no issues reported, we kindly ask you to send us a minimal DITA project. This will greatly assist us in reproducing the issue on our side
Furthermore, we have taken into consideration your use of SourceTree and believe it should not cause any issues with the functionality you are experiencing problems with.

Marius Ciolacu
Syncro Soft / Oxygen XML
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue May 25, 2021 4:17 pm

Re: Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by jonathanm »

Hi Marius,
Both options are checked during the completeness check.
The errors I get are duplicate ID and reference errors, which should affect searching.
image.png (88.1 KiB) Viewed 442 times
How can I send a dita file for you to look at?
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Re: Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by jonathanm »

** How can I send the dita project?
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Re: Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by xephon »

I had this issue before. You maybe want to delete all the content of the output folder before you publish the webhelp again. Otherwise deleted DITA files remain in the output folder as HTML and are picked up by the search engine. Further on, your DITA Map needs to be stored in a superior directory. It shall not have any topic references with "../" in the href attributes. – Your DITA/DITA-OT XML consultant
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Re: Deleted Content / Search Results

Post by ionela »


If the problem persists, you can send us the sample DITA project for analysis on our technical support form:

It would be very helpful if you could minimize the project and create a minimal valid sample DITA project (10-15 topics) where the problem is reproduced. To make sure the sample DITA project is valid please use "Validate and Check for Completeness" action from the DITA Maps menu.
If this action does not report any errors. you use "Export DITA Maps" action from the same menu and send us the exported files.
Also, please include with the sample project the steps to reproduce the issue on our side.

Ionela Istodor
oXygen XML Editor and Author Support
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