Reconnecting with Astoria when connection is broken

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Reconnecting with Astoria when connection is broken

Post by RobertHowe »

Is there a way to reconnect with Astoria when they disconnect and Oxygen goes offline with needing to shut down and reopen thru Astoria? The disconnection is happening 2+ time a week. It does not appear to be interconnection, others are using the same connection and do not see a connection issue.
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Re: Reconnecting with Astoria when connection is broken

Post by Radu »

The integration plugin which connects Oxygen to Astoria is built and distributed by Astoria. So we (the Oxygen team) do not control how it works. Please try to contact someone from Astoria about this problem. I will also email my contact from Astoria about this forum thread.
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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