PDF Output: equations are not displayed

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PDF Output: equations are not displayed

Post by Yuriy_1977 »

I use:
*.ditamap transformation scenario - "DITA Map PDF - based on XSL-FO";
In equation-block i use *.mml files to display equations.

Code: Select all

        <p base="point">Абсолютная погрешность измерений,&#xA0;Δ: <equation-block id="abs_mes_err"><image href="abs_mes_err.mml"
When I use oXygen XML Editor 23.1., with a license, equations in pdf are displayed correctly in it.
But my colleague use oXygen XML Editor 24.1., without a license (it has been purchased, but our system administrators cannot find it yet), equations in pdf are NOT displayed in it.
Parameters in Edit DITA Scenarion are the same (customization.dir, dita.dir, etc).
The equations on the Author tab of *.dita file are displayed correctly in both versions of oXygen.

Need help, advice :D .
Thanks in advance.
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Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:47 pm

Re: PDF Output: equations are not displayed

Post by julien_lacour »


Is your colleague using the default DITA-OT from oXygen XML Editor 24.1?
This can be checked from Preferences > DITA, the radio selector should be on the Built-in option (not Custom).

You can also try to run the default DITA Map PDF - based on XSL-FO scenario, are you obtaining the same result?

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Joined: Thu Jan 20, 2022 8:05 am

Re: PDF Output: equations are not displayed

Post by Yuriy_1977 »

Thanks for the quick response!
I changed the option Preferences > DITA to Built-in option and equations began to be displayed, I will look for the reason.
I have another question: What is the difference between the option Preferences > DITA and dita.dir (DITA Map PDF - based on XSL-FO) in scenario parameters tab?
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Joined: Wed Oct 16, 2019 3:47 pm

Re: PDF Output: equations are not displayed

Post by julien_lacour »


Basically there's no difference between the Preferences > DITA option and the dita.dir parameter except the scope: the option is set globally when the parameter is only for the edited scenario.

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