How to customize Related Links section with a single heading

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How to customize Related Links section with a single heading

Post by ann.jensen »

I want to collapse all items defined in a topic's <related-links> so that there is one generic heading "Related topics" and the links are not divided up into groups by topic type with different headings.
I am reviewing plugins
\org.dita.base\xsl\common\related-links.xsl and \org.dita.html5\xsl\rel-links.xsl
but am unsure which template I can customize to either
1. not look at the related links as groups
2. only output one heading for all groups

Has anyone tried this before?
Thanks in advance,
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Joined: Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:44 am

Re: How to customize Related Links section with a single heading

Post by marius »

The presentation of the related links is controlled by a WebHelp transformation parameter called
Its default value is single-group and should group all types of related links under one category called Related Information which I think is the behavior you expect.
This is what I get in the output when changing the value of the parameter:
rlb.png (24.09 KiB) Viewed 452 times
Can you check the value of this parameter in your transformation?
If is the default value, maybe you have a customization that overrides its behavior.
Marius Ciolacu
Syncro Soft / Oxygen XML
Posts: 309
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:19 am

Re: How to customize Related Links section with a single heading

Post by ann.jensen »

Hi Marius,
Thanks so much for your reply. Can you help me understand what that setting impacts in relation to the base org.dita.html5 transform? Does it customize one of the base templates?
Posts: 309
Joined: Wed Jun 17, 2015 10:19 am

Re: How to customize Related Links section with a single heading

Post by ann.jensen »

Hi Marius,
Your reply managed to help me on a path to find a general solution in ... N3_e3lAQAJ.
Sharing here in case someone else needs it.
Thanks again,
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