Ditaval support

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Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:44 pm

Ditaval support

Post by wbrisett »

In the standalone oXygen tool, we can import a ditaval and have that setup to display how that ditaval affects the content of a topic. Would it be possible to add that feature to the web client?
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Joined: Wed May 20, 2009 2:40 pm

Re: Ditaval support

Post by mihaela »


Oxygen XML Web Author also includes ditaval support. There is an URL parameter called dita.val.url that you can add to be used for resolving keys whose values depend on profiling conditions and to gray out content that is excluded by the DITAVAL filter.

Here is an example from our demo server, with a document that contains information about a phone. There are two products available, X1000 and X2000 and there is a ditaval applied (see the dita.val.url parameter) that excludes the X2000 product:
https://www.oxygenxml.com/oxygen-xml-we ... 00.ditaval

Is this what you need for your use case?

Best Regards,
Mihaela Calotescu
Posts: 38
Joined: Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:44 pm

Re: Ditaval support

Post by wbrisett »

It is helpful. I think it's going to require some additional css on our part because our writers want to replicate what happens where they can setup background colors for the various conditions as well. But because of all the conditions each team uses, I'm not sure this is practical in a web environment.
Posts: 500
Joined: Wed May 20, 2009 2:40 pm

Re: Ditaval support

Post by mihaela »


Please let us know if you need more guidance regarding these customizations.

Best Regards,
Mihaela Calotescu
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