Is there any way to get cms file path using schematron?

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Is there any way to get cms file path using schematron?

Post by roopesh79 »

Hi team,
I am trying to get cms file path using scematron rules within Oxygen Author. When I use base-uri(), it returns only the checkout directory path. Is there any other method available to get the cms path?

Thanks in Advance
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Re: Is there any way to get cms file path using schematron?

Post by tavy »

Hello Roopesh,

Thanks for your feedback.
Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the behavior you describe. What version of Oxygen do you use? Can you send us some sample files to reproduce the problem? You can add them on the forum or you can send them to

Best Regards,
Octavian Nadolu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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Re: Is there any way to get cms file path using schematron?

Post by Radu »

Hi Roopesh,

After receiving the details you sent via email:
What you get returned by the base-uri() method is the URL that Oxygen was instructed to open by the Bluestream connector.
Oxygen does not know of any other more CMS friendly path of the same resource. That title you see in the Oxygen main frame, it's possible the Bluestream connector uses our API to change the name of the file displayed there, but this is not something we control.
Even if Bluestream would have some Java API available to obtain that path, calling it from the XSLT code would be problematic in my opinion.

Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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