XSLT "4.0" editing

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Martin Honnen
Posts: 101
Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2014 12:04 pm

XSLT "4.0" editing

Post by Martin Honnen »

While playing with SaxonCS recently released by Saxonica I have tried to edit XSLT stylesheets with version="4.0" instead of version="3.0", kind of expecting it wouldn't hurt my editing experience, but it did, it seems the syntax and completions suggestions, if they happen, are rather for XSLT 1 with Saxon 6.5, as I don't get XSLT 3 based code completion and declaring e.g. xmlns:saxon is not completed/suggested as xmlns:saxon="http://saxon.sf.net/", as is done with XSLT 3, but rather the old icl based namespace for Saxon 6.5.

Is there any setting I can change to edit version="4.0" XSLT in oXygen 23.1 and have the syntax and code completion for XSLT 3?
Posts: 382
Joined: Thu Jul 01, 2004 12:29 pm

Re: XSLT "4.0" editing

Post by tavy »

Hi Martin,

Thanks for your feedback.

Unfortunately we do not support XSLT 4.0. I will add an issue on our issue tracker to analyze XSLT 4.0 and maybe provide a better editing and content completion support.

Best Regards,
Octavian Nadolu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
Posts: 142
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2003 11:21 am

Re: XSLT "4.0" editing

Post by Mircea »

Hello Martin,

The new Oxygen 25.0 includes support for XSLT 4.0.
Validation, content completion assistant and transformations are now available.

Mircea Enachescu
<oXygen> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
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