Publishing Engine: shortdesc appearing in TOC

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Publishing Engine: shortdesc appearing in TOC

Post by ms2art2 »

When I build WebHelp Responsive with the Publishing Engine v24, the shortdesc for each topic appears under its TOC entry. Is this expected behavior, and is there any way to control it?
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Re: Publishing Engine: shortdesc appearing in TOC

Post by beniamin_savu »


In version 24 some of the CSS rules have been updated. One of the rules that were updated is the one regarding the rendering of the tooltip in the publication toc. To make the tooltip render correctly, please add the following CSS rule at the end of your CSS file from your publishing template:

Code: Select all

.wh_publication_toc .topicref .wh-tooltip {
    display: none;
We also suggest to convert your publishing template from version 23 to version 24 using the procedure that can be found using the following link: ... ver24.html

Best regards,
Beniamin Savu
Oxygen WebHelp Team
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