Presenting Validation Errors in Author Mode

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Presenting Validation Errors in Author Mode

Post by Evelyn »

I use he Oxygen version 21.0,
and use "cross reference" in my topic to jump from a link to the sections below.

After I changed the section as the reuse content, obviously the "cross reference" can not work now.

However, when I open the topic in Author mode,
there's no error information informing "the referenced ID not found"?

Only when I click on the link did the error box jump out~
Why it fails to show the error message automatically as soon as I open the topic?
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Re: Presenting Validation Errors in Author Mode

Post by sorin_carbunaru »


I don't know why the error is not shown, perhaps it was a bug or an improvement not yet implemented at that time. But I noticed that starting with Oxygen 22.0 the error is shown.

By the way, Oxygen version 21 will soon reach its "End of Support" milestone, when all support for that version will stop. It would be a good idea to upgrade to the latest version of Oxygen. Oxygen 24 will be available in a couple of months.

All the best wishes,
Sorin Carbunaru
Oxygen XML Editor
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