schematron no more schema aware in Oxygen 16.0

This should cover W3C XML Schema, Relax NG and DTD related problems.
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schematron no more schema aware in Oxygen 16.0

Post by Patrik »


I just installed Oxygen 16.0 to test the schematron-quick-fix (nice feature - thanks a lot for that). However, it appears that the validation is no more schema aware. Since some patterns evaluate the class-attribute they no more work. I also tested it with <value-of select="@class"/> inside the a message and it returns nothing.
In properties the option XML / XML-Parser / Schematron / "schema aware" is still checked but seems not to have any effect. In 15.2 it works.

Thanks and regards,

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Re: schematron no more schema aware in Oxygen 16.0

Post by george »

Dear Patrik,

Please note that Schematron Quick-fixes are not yet implemented in 16.0. We implemented the core support for Quick-fixes and added Quick-fixes for XSLT. In the following releases of oXygen the Quick-fixes support will be updated to add schemas and also XML, including Schematon Quick-fixes. There is a W3C community group that we started to discuss and agree on a common format for these and Nico Kutscherauer provided an initial proposal including an implementation at

Back to your Schematron issue... The Schematron implementation in oXygen is based on Skeleton and uses XSLT and oXygen uses Saxon as the XSLT engine. Version 16 changed one of the default Saxon EE options, Options -> Preferences -- XML / XSLT-FO-XQuery / XSLT / Saxon / Saxon-HE/PE/EE -- Validation of the source file ("-val") from "Lax schema validation" to "Skip schema validation". Please set it to lax validation to get the default values.
The reason for this change was to align the default options in oXygen with the Saxon EE default options as some people were surprised to get a different behavior in oXygen compared with using Saxon in the command line.

We will think about a better approach for this, maybe automatically force the lax validation for Saxon EE when we use it for Schematron and the "schema aware" option in Schematron is set.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
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Re: schematron no more schema aware in Oxygen 16.0

Post by Patrik »

Hi George,

I already realized that my sqf-additions to my schematron files had no effect...
My enthusiasm must have blinded me. Still looks very promising, nut I guess you have no idea when we can hope for his being included into oxygen!?

However, you hint with the -val option solved my actual problem. Thanks.

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Re: schematron no more schema aware in Oxygen 16.0

Post by george »

Hi Patrik,

Schematron Quick-fixes are scheduled for short/medium term so I expect to be able to offer this functionality soon.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
Posts: 405
Joined: Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:08 pm

Re: schematron no more schema aware in Oxygen 16.0

Post by ionela »


I just wanted to let you know that this problem has been resolved in the latest maintenance build of Oxygen 16.0, 2014060420 (released on June 11th):
Schematron: The option 'Use Saxon EE (schema aware) for xslt2 query binding' from (XML > XML Parser > Schematron) no longer had any effect.
You can download it from our web site:

The list of bug-fixes can be found here:

You can follow the release/build RSS feed here:

Let us know if you encounter further problems with this new build.

Ionela Istodor
oXygen XML Editor and Author Support
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