CSS3 Validation Differs from Results Reported by W3C

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CSS3 Validation Differs from Results Reported by W3C

Post by msharcourt »

I am using <oXygen/> XML Editor 15.1, build 2013101713. Validating a CSS file, the following error was flagged by the editor:

Context : .CSS_Table_Example tr:hover td in property : background-color
linear-gradient(to top,#cccccc 5%,#b2b2b2 100%) is not a background-color value : linear-gradient(to top,#cccccc 5%,#b2b2b2 100%)

When I validated this same file using the CSS Validation Service at http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/, this background-color linear-gradient()property was accepted as valid. It therefore appears that the code used by <oXygen> Editor must be out of synchronization with the validation being provided by the W3C online.

Is there a way to configure the <oXygen> Editor to use the web service validator rather than the local validation it is using? If not, when will the the CSS3 validation be brought back into synchronization with what the W3C reports?

Thank you.

Mark Harcourt
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Re: CSS3 Validation Differs from Results Reported by W3C

Post by alex_jitianu »


We already have an open issue to update the W3C CSS Validator that we use. I've added your vote to it and increase its priority.

I've tried the following CSS rule in the CSS Validation Service but I'm also receiving the error you mentioned. Have I missed something?

Code: Select all

tr:hover td {
background-color : linear-gradient(to top,#cccccc 5%,#b2b2b2 100%)
Best regards,
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Re: CSS3 Validation Differs from Results Reported by W3C

Post by msharcourt »

You have it right, Alex. Thank you.

Best regards,

Mark Harcourt
Posts: 7
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Re: CSS3 Validation Differs from Results Reported by W3C

Post by msharcourt »

Note: The following validates as good CSS3 on the W3C site, so I may have selected an invalid property earlier when I specified background-color: rather than background:. I will check on Monday when I am back at work if using background: validates properly in oXygen editor with linear-gradient().

tr:hover td {
background : linear-gradient(to top, #cccccc 5%, #b2b2b2 100%);

Thank you.

Mark Harcourt
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Re: CSS3 Validation Differs from Results Reported by W3C

Post by george »

Hi Mark,

Looking for linear-gradient I see that it is defined in a document with the status "candidate recommendation":
so this is not yet a W3C recommendation.

The W3C CSS validator is inconsistent in its support for this candidate recommendation. For example, if you take example 2 http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-images/#url-notation

Code: Select all

background-image: url(wavy.png);
Then it reports the following error:

Code: Select all

1 		Parse Error [: url(wavy.png);] 
and so on for many of the examples. Thus it is very difficult to say what it supports and what it does not support.

Now, while this is not yet a recommendation I think the correct approach will be to reject what this candidate recommendation defines when validating against a CSS level 3 profile and maybe add a new profile "CSS level 3 future", or something like this, that will accept everything defined also in different CSS level 3 candidate recommendations.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
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Re: CSS3 Validation Differs from Results Reported by W3C

Post by msharcourt »

Thank you, George. I goofed. Obviously, candidate (nor proposed) recommendations ought to be accepted without error (or warning) when validating against the accepted standard profile. Having said that, I like your suggestion very much of an option to validate against a 'new profile "CSS level 3 future", or something like this, that will accept everything defined also in different CSS level 3 candidate recommendations.'
Mark Harcourt
Posts: 7
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Re: CSS3 Validation Differs from Results Reported by W3C

Post by msharcourt »

I meant to say they ought not to be accepted. As in "Obviously, candidate (nor proposed) recommendations ought not to be accepted without error (or warning) when validating against the accepted standard profile."
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