XSL FO: Force wrapping on tables

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XSL FO: Force wrapping on tables

Post by AlexVV »

I'm having an issue where when I publish my modspecs to pdf (XSL-FO), I'm getting problems where a word in a column entry would overrun it's cell. The problem lies in the fact that the 'word' itself is wider than the width of the table column. This is because the modspec uses xrefs (e.g. [TableName].[TableColumn]). So my question: Is there away to force a wrap on the text (and break the word to 2 ore more lines) if the word exceeds the column width?

<entry><xref linkend="EMPLOYEES_STATUS"/>.CODE</entry>

(The 3rd entry goes beyond table column width)
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Re: XSL FO: Force wrapping on tables

Post by george »


I am not sure if this is possible.
Please try also the xsl list (http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list/), there are there a lot of XSL-FO experts that surely can provide a definitive answer on this.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
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