oXygen Editor Content Completion Assistant suggestions - question

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oXygen Editor Content Completion Assistant suggestions - question

Post by justyna_i »


I was recently asked a question about the autocomplete suggestions in oXygen Editor text mode:
- where does oXygen take the suggestions for languages for xml:lang definition from?
dita_question.png (11.91 KiB) Viewed 568 times
I read that DITA-OT is not case sensitive - why is there option de-DE and not de-de?
Is there any way to edit that language list?
Can anyone give me some more information about this?

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Re: oXygen Editor Content Completion Assistant suggestions - question

Post by Radu »

Hi Justyna,

The DITA 1.3 standard does not specify a hardcoded set of values for xml:lang:
https://www.oxygenxml.com/dita/1.3/spec ... llang.html
Those particular values you get in the content completion window are provided by an Oxygen specific DITA framework customization file located in:
Usually such configuration files are not edited directly, someone could for example create an extension of the DITA framework customization which provides their own version of the cc_config.xml which would suit their team better:
https://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/versions/ ... etion.html
About this question you had:
I read that DITA-OT is not case sensitive - why is there option de-DE and not de-de?
Yes, the publishing engine should not interpret the values in a case sensitive manner.
There are various standards like:
which seem to treat "Language-Region" by capitalizing the region name and this is from what I encountered common.
But indeed, in the specs above it says:
At all times, language tags and their subtags, including private use
and extensions, are to be treated as case insensitive: there exist
conventions for the capitalization of some of the subtags, but these
MUST NOT be taken to carry meaning.

Thus, the tag "mn-Cyrl-MN" is not distinct from "MN-cYRL-mn" or "mN-
cYrL-Mn" (or any other combination), and each of these variations
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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