Is it possible to integrate internal LLM to the positron AI

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Is it possible to integrate internal LLM to the positron AI

Post by roopesh79 »

I had a chance to look into the Oxygen Positron AI and I would like to know more details about its integration and customization.
Is it possible to add custom LLM to this positron?
Is there any specific documentation available for this?

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Re: Is it possible to integrate internal LLM to the positron AI

Post by alex_jitianu »

It is possible to connect it to a Microsoft Azure account and on the short term we intend to make this procedure easier and seamless. For now, the Microsoft Azure integration is for demonstration purposes only, to allow those having an openAI model in Azure to test the AI Positron in their environment.
Can you tell me more about this custom LLM? Is it an openAI model that runs in a Micrsoft Azure account, or is it a LLM development in-house from a model? What kind of restAPI does it have?

Best regards,
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