review comment tagging - Hooray! BUT...

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review comment tagging - Hooray! BUT...

Post by jeankaplansky »

Our authors are going to be happy they can tag each other in OWA review comments with @ and their OWA username.

Our users want the @ tagging to email them in addition to letting them know that there are comments waiting for them in the document where they were tagged in a review comment.

Is such a feature enhancement (emailing the user "you've been tagged in doc XYZ") in the works? If not, we'd like to request that it gets added to the list for consideration.

Jean Kaplansky
Kaplan North America
Jean Kaplansky
Kaplan North America
jean.kaplansky at kaplan dot com
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Re: review comment tagging - Hooray! BUT...

Post by cristi_talau »


Thank you very much for your feedback.

We discussed internally about this email notification feature - it would be very useful. However, there are several details that we need to figure out:
  • What happens if the users deletes the comment, what happens if the user does not "save" the comment? We have some solutions in mind.
  • Web Author does not "know" the email of the user. It can find it for some of the connectors, e.g. GitHub. It would help to know what connector you are using to make sure it will be covered.
That being said, implementing the feature for your organization might be easier than implementing it for all Web Author users. You can implement a plugin to send these email notifications using the existing API: AuthorPersistentHighlight[1] is notified each time a comment is added, so you can trigger a process to send the email. Please let me know if you decided to follow this route.


[1] ... light.html
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Re: review comment tagging - Hooray! BUT...

Post by jeankaplansky »

Hi, Cristi -

Thanks for the idea!

One thing that will help in our instance is that all of our users are in an OWA instance that uses their Componize/Alfresco User IDs, which all have emails associated with the IDs back in Alfresco. So I think there may be more than one option here.

I will look into your plugin suggestion! (And I'll let you know if we come up with anything valuable that might be useful to other OWA implementors)

Thanks again,
Jean Kaplansky
Kaplan North America
jean.kaplansky at kaplan dot com
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Re: review comment tagging - Hooray! BUT...

Post by jeankaplansky »

Hi, Cristi -

I looked into the questions and have some answers for you:

* What happens if the users deletes the comment, what happens if the user does not "save" the comment? We have some solutions in mind.

JLK: No one gets emailed if we never save a comment in OWA. Tagging a person in a comment shouldn't generate an email until the saved comment registers in Alfresco/Componize via CMIS. Users tagged in comments deleted in the future should receive an email update informing them of the new state upon saving back to Alfresco.

* Web Author does not "know" the email of the user. It can find it for some of the connectors, e.g., GitHub. It would help to know what connector you are using to make sure it will be covered.

JLK: Web Author doesn't know the user's email, but our web author version is a component built onto our Alfresco/Componize instance, which tracks user email information for every user. Specifically, we're looking at the CMIS connector.

Is there something we can do through the CMIS connection back to Alfresco to trigger a corresponding email when the comment with the tag is saved to the CMS? I think there is a way to get Alfresco/Componize to read the commented content and catch the @ tagging to generate the necessary emails. I'm unsure about the implementation, however.

My coworker tells me today that the question of emailing people tagged in comments comes up as a question in every single training session he has taught since last week.

Please let me know any other ideas about timelines or anything we might be able to do through the CMIS connection?

Jean Kaplansky
Kaplan North America
jean.kaplansky at kaplan dot com
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Re: review comment tagging - Hooray! BUT...

Post by cristi_talau »


The review comments are stored in the XML document as processing-instructions, as described in our user manual: ... ormat.html . The mentions are encoded as @"User Name" in the "comment" attribute of such a processing instruction.
Using this information a CMS can trigger a processing step during each "save" to look for new mentions and send email messages.

Alternatively there is an API WSEditorListener [1] that is notified before and after the document is saved. You can use this API to send emails as you have access to the list of review comments using this API. The caveat here is that this does not work with autosave. However, we can try to fix this in the next Web Author release.

I think the best way to process is to have a technical discussion with a developer that takes this task. This way we can figure out if the existing API is enough.


[1] ... tener.html
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Re: review comment tagging - Hooray! BUT...

Post by NicoAMP »

Hello all,
If you work with a CCMS (like Alfresco/Componize or Ixiasoft) that integrate Oxygen Web Author, you have an alternate solution.
Each time a document is saved, you can detect new comments inside content (compare current version with previous with an XSLT for example) and send an email to mentioned users.

Nicolas Delobel
nicolas.delobel at
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