Opening a URL programmatically in oXygen from a website

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Opening a URL programmatically in oXygen from a website

Post by lschult2 »

I'm looking to create a link on my website that would open a url in oXygen. This will only be for developers, so someone with oXygen installed and configured properly. This only needs to work on MacOS.

The url is for a particular data source connection defined in oXygen that opens the resource in eXist-db. When opened directly in oXygen, a sample of the url is:

Code: Select all

oxygen:/eXist-db wmm$eXist-db wmm/db/pdfstyles/lists/1169496.xsl
I can open the resource from the command line with:

Code: Select all

open edit-in-oxygen:oxygen:/eXist-db\ wmm\$eXist-db\ wmm/db/pdfstyles/lists/1169496.xsl
What are my options for how to programmatically make this happen when clicking on a link in my website? Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
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Re: Opening a URL programmatically in oXygen from a website

Post by Radu »

I'm not a Javascript guru, I think it would be easier for you to add a drag and drop button like we have in the "Quick Installation" section for our plugins: ... dq_wvx_qsb
The HTML code for such a button would look like this:

Code: Select all

          title = "Drag and drop into the Oxygen editing area"
          style="padding: 8px; border: 1px solid #cbcbcb; border-radius: 4px; cursor: grab;color:black;
          text-decoration:none;"><span>OPEN IN OXYGEN</span></a>
Radu Coravu
<oXygen/> XML Editor
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Joined: Sat Apr 04, 2020 11:05 pm

Re: Opening a URL programmatically in oXygen from a website

Post by lschult2 »

That is pretty easy and does accomplish my major goal. Clicking it would be nicer, but dragging is acceptable. Thank you.
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