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Manual Spell Checking

Oxygen XML Web Author automatically checks for spelling errors when a document is loaded and every time a modification is made in the document, but it also includes a manual spell checking feature.
The installation kit does not include this feature by default, but it can be enabled by installing a plugin that is available on GitHub.

To open the Spelling popup window, click the Spell Check button on the upper toolbar or use the F7 keyboard shortcut. It performs the spell check starting at the current cursor position and proceeds through the rest of the document.

Figure 1. Manual Spell Check Popup Window

The Spelling window includes the following:

Misspelled word Field
Displays the current word that may be misspelled.
Replace with Field
You can enter a word that you want to replace the misspelled word with.
Offers a scrollable list of possible words that can be selected to replace the misspelled word with.
Use this button to replace the current word with whatever is listed in the Replace with field.
Replace ALL
Use this button to replace all instances of the current word within the document with whatever is listed in the Replace with field.
Use this button to ignore the current word and skip to the next possible misspelled word.
Ignore All
Use this button to ignore all instances of the current word within the document and skip to the next possible misspelled word.