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Debugging an Oxygen SDK Extension Using the Eclipse Workbench

To use the Eclipse workbench to debug problems in the code of an extension without having to bundle its Java classes in a JAR library, perform the following steps:
  1. Download and install Oxygen XML Developer.
  2. Create an Eclipse Java Project (for example, MySDKProject) with the corresponding Java sources (for example, a custom implementation of the ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.StylesFilter interface).
  3. In the Project build path, add external JAR references to all the JAR libraries in the [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR]/lib folder. In the build path Order and Export panel, make sure that the oxygen.jar entry is before all other libraries. Now your Project should compile successfully.
  4. Start the standalone version of Oxygen XML Developer from the [OXYGEN_INSTALL_DIR] and in the Document Type Association preferences page, edit the document type (for example, DITA) to open the Document Type configuration dialog box. In the Classpath tab, add a reference to your Project's classes directory and in the Extensions tab, select your custom StylesFilter extension as a value for the CSS styles filter property. Close the application to save your changes.
  5. Create a new Java Application configuration for debugging. The Main Class should be ro.sync.exml.Oxygen. The given VM Arguments should be:


  6. Add a breakpoint in one of the source Java classes.
  7. Debug the created configuration. When the code reaches your breakpoint, the Eclipse IDE debugging perspective should take over.