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Contribute Additional Languages Plugin Extension

This type of plugin allows you to contribute new translation languages to the Oxygen XML Developer UI.

The AdditionalUITranslation plugin extension provides the ability to contribute new translation languages to the interface in Oxygen XML Developer.

A sample plugin.xml file looks like this:
 name="Add Romanian as an user interface language"
 description="Add Romanian as an user interface language"
 vendor="Syncro Soft"
 <extension type="AdditionalUITranslation" href="translation.xml"/>
where the translation.xml has a structure like this:
        <language description="Romanian" lang="ro_RO" localeDescription="Romana"/>
    <key value="Error">
        <val lang="ro_RO">Eroare</val>

If all error keys are not translated in the custom translation.xml contributed by the plugin, the fallback is the default English translation. Once this plugin is installed, the Languages drop-down menu in the Options > Preferences > Global will be updated to include the newly added languages. The end-user will still need to select that language in the drop-down menu to use it.