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Specifying Media Types in the CSS

The CSS stylesheets can specify how a document is presented on different types of media (on the screen, paper, etc.) You can specify that some of the selectors from your CSS should be taken into account only in the Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin Author mode and ignored in other media types. This can be accomplished by using the oxygen media type.

Example: oxygen Media Type

@media oxygen{

This example results in the text being bold if the document is opened in a web browser that does not recognize @media oxygen, while the text is bold and underlined when opened in Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin Author mode.

You can also use the oxygen media type to specify CSS selectors to be applied in certain operating systems or platforms by using the os and platform properties. For example, you can specify one set of style rules for displaying Oxygen XML Author Eclipse plugin in Windows, and another set of style rules for macOS. The supported properties are as follows:
  • os - The possible values are: win, linux, or mac.
  • platform - The possible values are: standalone, eclipse, or webapp.

Example: os and platform Properties

@media oxygen AND (os:"win") AND (platform:"standalone") {