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The format-date() XPath Function Does Not Respect the Specified Locale


Formatting a date using another language code, as in this example:
title:before {
   content: oxy_xpath('format-date(current-date(), "[Mn] [Y]", "ru", (), ())');
results in an output like: [Language: en]september 2019, with the date being formatted in English.


The XPath expressions are evaluated using the Saxon HE processor. This processor does not support languages other than English.


As a solution, you can either switch to a more language-neutral format that avoids the months names:
   content: oxy_xpath('format-date( current-date(), "[M] [Y]", "en", (), ())');
or you can use a more complex XPath expression like this:
            content: oxy_xpath("let $cm:= format-date(current-date(), '[MNn]') \

return  concat( \

if ($cm= 'January') then  'JAN' else \

if ($cm= 'February') then  'FEB' else \

if ($cm= 'March') then  'MAR' else \

if ($cm= 'April') then  'APR' else \

if ($cm= 'May') then  'MAY' else \

if ($cm= 'June') then  'JUNE' else \

if ($cm= 'July') then  'JUL' else \

if ($cm= 'August') then  'AUG' else \

if ($cm= 'September') then  'SEPT' else \

if ($cm= 'October') then  'OCT' else \

if ($cm= 'November') then  'NOV' else  '' \

, \

' ', \

format-date(current-date(), '[Y0001]') \

) ");


Make sure the entire expression is rendered blue in the CSS editor. Replace the capitalized month names with the translation in the desired language.