[oXygen-user] Fwd: [xsl] Hints on http POST

Wendell Piez wapiez at wendellpiez.com
Fri Feb 2 12:33:15 CST 2018

Hello oXygenistes,

Over on XSL-List, Martin Honnen kindly pointed me to EXPath as a
possible answer to my question regarding how to call http POST from
inside XSLT (see below): he suggests the EXPath http client module.

However, I find this isn't available in Saxon by default.

Any ideas of how I can get this to work in oXygen? (or alternative strategies?)


Cheers, Wendell

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin Honnen martin.honnen at gmx.de
<xsl-list-service at lists.mulberrytech.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [xsl] Hints on http POST
To: xsl-list at lists.mulberrytech.com

On 02.02.2018 18:29, Wendell Piez wapiez at wendellpiez.com wrote:

> I have a need to procure a little bit of XML from a web service
> running locally. To get it (once) from curl is easy:
> curl -X POST -d "My string goes in here" localhost:8888/do/me
> But I need to call it many many times, which I would naturally like to
> do from inside my transformation.
> Does anyone have any neat hints of how to do this under unextended (or
> openly extended) XSLT 3.0?

I am not sure how exactly that HTTP POST that curl produces looks like
but http://expath.org/modules/http-client/ allows HTTP POST requests.

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Wendell Piez | http://www.wendellpiez.com
XML | XSLT | electronic publishing
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