[oXygen-user] Support for Markdown Authoring?

George Bina
Sat Oct 11 12:16:06 CDT 2014

Hi Eliot,

(resent to include the list address)
What will be the support you will expect apart from knowing the 
extension and having a new file template? Both of these I think can be 
configured right now.

I was thinking more along what Tom mentioned in his reply, to define a 
MarkdownML language and provide visual editing, specific actions and 
conversion to Markdown. Of course this can be done also as a DITA 
specialization or we can have MarkdownML to DITA transformations as well.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 11/10/14 17:33, Eliot Kimber wrote:
> Now that I'm doing a lot of work with GitHub repos I'm writing a lot of
> markdown documents (readmes, wiki pages, etc.).
> Oxygen doesn't appear to have any out-of-the-box knowledge of markdown as
> a file type.
> I realize markdown files are fundamentally just text, but it would be nice
> if ".md" files were at least recognized as markdown files and there as a
> built-in file->new type of markdown.
> Cheers,
> E.
> —————
> Eliot Kimber, Owner
> Contrext, LLC
> http://contrext.com
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