[oXygen-user] Configuration of profiling attributes and their values

George Cristian Bina george at oxygenxml.com
Tue Oct 4 04:03:56 CDT 2011

 > For default options please see:

Sorry, that is a wrong link, the correct link is

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

On 10/4/11 11:59 AM, George Cristian Bina wrote:
> Hi David,
> In case of JWS there are two sets of options that can be specified:
> - default options
> - fixed options
> The default options will be used instead of the oXygen provided
> defaults. This is available also for the standalone version. If the user
> changes an option then the user defined option will be used even if a
> different value is specified in the default options. The default will be
> used when the user restores the default values for a set of options.
> The fixed options represent the current options for the user (they can
> be different from the defaults, either the bilt-in or user provided
> defaults). These are enforced as the current options. The user will be
> able to change them but when the options are updated in the JWS
> distribution then the new set of options will overwrite the user
> changes. If you want to prevent the user from changing some options then
> you can pack with the JWS also a Startup plugin that disables the option
> pages you do not want the user to see (this plugin received callbacks on
> all the actions, toolbars, preference pages, etc. and can return true or
> false to keep or remove that action, toolbar, preference page, etc. from
> oXygen).
> The documentation for these can be found in our user guide.
> For default options please see:
> http://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/ug-editor/index.html?q=/doc/ug-editor/topics/highlights-of-search-in-usermanual-have-offset.html
> For fixed options please see:
> http://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/ug-editor/tasks/jwsInstaller.html
> There are now default options, global options and project options. The
> framework already contributes validation and transformation scenarios,
> catalogs, new document templates, etc. It is not strait forward what
> will be the set of options that should be specified at framework
> level... so probably if we decide to do that we need to allow all the
> options to be specified also at framework level.. That will indeed
> create an issue of priorities and it will be difficult for a user to
> understand the resolution process that determines which option will be
> used.
> Best Regards,
> George
> --
> George Cristian Bina
> <oXygen/>  XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
> http://www.oxygenxml.com
> On 10/4/11 12:32 AM, David Cramer wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Hi George,
>> Thanks for that information. I've been looking into Oxygen's JWS kit and
>> we will probably take that route. I didn't realize that the JWS version
>> would use separate user settings from the full install. I had been
>> wondering what happened with users who already were using the full
>> Author. I wonder about what happens when the user changes some settings,
>> and the I update some settings on the server. Are they merged? What
>> happens if the user specifies one setting and I change that setting?
>> I still think a case can be made for putting pretty-printing settings in
>> the framework. But the question of "who wins" comes up again if the
>> wants to specify something else. Perhaps the user could have a way to
>> force his settings to override the framework if necessary?
>> David
>> On 10/03/2011 10:04 AM, George Cristian Bina wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> oXygen allows you to easily build a JavaWebStart distribution. Basically
>>> you get an all platforms distribution and configure that as you need and
>>> then run a script that packages everything as a JWS distribution (you
>>> will need a certificate to sign that). You can set a specific group of
>>> frameworks and your preferred global options, including formatting and
>>> profiling values. When the users will run that the provided options will
>>> be used - note that the users can still have normal oXygen installations
>>> that should have their specific set of options.
>>> BTW, also the standalone version allows you to force a default set of
>>> global options, see
>>> http://www.oxygenxml.com/doc/ug-editor/topics/default-options.html
>>> Best Regards,
>>> George
>>> --
>>> George Cristian Bina
>>> <oXygen/>   XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger
>>> http://www.oxygenxml.com
>>> On 10/3/11 5:33 PM, David Cramer wrote:
>>> +1 for this feature request.
>>> This reminds me of a similar request I have: the configuration of
>>> pretty-printing should be available at the framework level for a
>>> specific document type. In our organization, I want to control the
>>> pretty printing of "Rackbook" documents in the framework so that we're
>>> all producing xml wrapped at the same column width. However, I don't
>>> need or want to dictate the pretty-printing settings for other xml types
>>> that our users may use Oxygen for. Furthermore, there's no easy way for
>>> me to push changes to global or even project settings to all users.
>>> Thanks,
>>> David
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