[oXygen-user] Are catalogs used by <?oxygen RNGSchema=...?> ?

George Cristian Bina
Sun Apr 12 14:37:29 CDT 2009

Hi Florent,

Try a system rewrite instead of an URI rewrite.

Best Regards,
George Cristian Bina
<oXygen/> XML Editor, Schema Editor and XSLT Editor/Debugger

Florent Georges wrote:
>   Hi,
>   I use <?oxygen RNGSchema="http://.../d/...rnc" type="compact"?>
> to associate an RNG compact schema to an XML document.  The
> schema is actually cached on my machine, and the relevant catalog
> is added to the catalog list in the oXygen options:
>     <rewriteURI uriStartString="http://.../d/"
>                 rewritePrefix="file:///Users/.../schemas/"/>
> but if I cut the Internet wire, the validation fails because
> oXygen cannot access the schema over HTTP.
>   Are catalogs used to validate through this PI?  If they are,
> did I make something wrong?
>   Regards,

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