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Insert Table Model should only offer available models

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 10:16 pm
by steve.cuzner
In a docbook file, there is an Insert Table dialog that provides a radio button for model selection, CALS or HTML. We have customized the DTD to only allow CALS but the model selector remains. You can select HTML and you are greeted with schema errors. Is there a way to configure the dialog to only offer a specific choice or better yet, have the dialog provide a choice based on the schema?

Re: Insert Table Model should only offer available models

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 8:45 am
by Radu
Hi Steve,

We do not have a setting for this.
The entire Java code we have for the Docbook customization (all the implementation for the custom operations) is available in our Author SDK so you could make changes to that Java code and pack your own "docbook.jar" library which has your custom changes for that dialog.
