

The <navref> element represents a pointer to another map which should be preserved as a transcluding link rather than resolved. Output formats that support such linking will integrate the referenced resource when displaying the referencing map to an end user.

For example, if a map is converted to the Eclipse help system format, the DITA element <navref mapref="other.ditamap"/> should be converted to the Eclipse element <link toc="other.xml"/>. When Eclipse loads the referencing map, it will replace this link element with the contents of the file "other.xml", provided that the file "other.xml" is available.

Note that not all output formats support such linking. In order to include another map directly without depending on the output format, use a <topicref> element with the format attribute set to "ditamap". The effect is similar to a conref. For example, the following markup represents a literal inclusion of the map "other.ditamap":
<topicref href="other.ditamap" format="ditamap"/>