

The <bookmeta> element contains information about the book that is not considered book content, such as copyright information, author information, and any classifications.


Note: These models represent only the default document types distributed by OASIS. Actual content models will differ with each new document type.
Doctype Content model
bookmap ( (linktext) (optional) then (searchtitle) (optional) then (shortdesc) (optional) then (author or authorinformation) (any number) then (source) (optional) then (publisherinformation) (any number) then (critdates) (optional) then (permissions) (optional) then (metadata) (any number) then (audience) (any number) then (category) (any number) then (keywords or exportanchors) (any number) then (prodinfo) (any number) then (othermeta) (any number) then (resourceid) (any number) then (bookid) (optional) then (bookchangehistory) (any number) then (bookrights) (any number) then (data) (any number) )
learningBookmap ( (linktext) (optional) then (searchtitle) (optional) then (shortdesc) (optional) then (author or authorinformation) (any number) then (source) (optional) then (publisherinformation) (any number) then (critdates) (optional) then (permissions) (optional) then (metadata or lcLom) (any number) then (audience) (any number) then (category) (any number) then (keywords or exportanchors) (any number) then (prodinfo) (any number) then (othermeta) (any number) then (resourceid) (any number) then (bookid) (optional) then (bookchangehistory) (any number) then (bookrights) (any number) then (data) (any number) )

Contained by

Doctype Content model
bookmap, learningBookmap bookmap


- map/topicmeta bookmap/bookmeta


In this example:
  • The <authorinformation> contains the content for a reader's comment form; the <maintainer> element references that author information to create the reader comment form.
  • The <prodinfo> element contains the book's product information. This includes the product name, and the version, release, and modification information.
  • The <bookid> element contains the book's form number and part number information. The <maintainer> element contains information about the current maintainer of the book; it may reference the <authorinformation> element to provide detailed information about an author that is also the current maintainer.
  • The <bookrights> element contains the book's copyright information.

This example makes heavy use of authorinformation, which is a domain element that OASIS delivers only with the bookmap specialization. However, other bookmap DTDs or schemas may not include the domain with authorinformation; likewise, authorinformation may be included in other document types.

  <authorinformation id="rcf">
      <addressdetails>ATTN: Dept XYZ<thoroughfare>3905 37th Street NW</thoroughfare>
        <locality>Rochester, MN<postalcode>55901</postalcode></locality>
        <contactnumber type="telephone">800-555-1212</contactnumber>
        <contactnumber type="fax">800-555-1213</contactnumber>
    <prodname>My Product</prodname>
    <vrmlist><vrm release="Release 1" version="Version 3"/></vrmlist>
    <maintainer href="#rcf"></maintainer>


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
lockmeta Indicates whether any of the meta information should be replaced by meta information in the referenced topic. If the value is yes, the information inside <topicmeta> should not be replaced with information from the topic. (yes | no | -dita-use-​conref-​target) #IMPLIED No
univ-atts attribute group (includes select-atts, id-atts, and localization-atts groups) A set of related attributes, described in univ-atts attribute group      
global-atts attribute group (xtrf, xtrc) A set of related attributes, described in global-atts attribute group      
class A common attribute described in Other common DITA attributes