relational-atts attribute group

relational-atts attribute group

The "relational-atts" attribute group includes attributes whose values may be used for representing navigational relationships. These attributes occur only on elements that represent relationships among DITA elements or between DITA elements and non-DITA resources.


Name Description Data Type Default Value Required?
type Describes the target of a reference. See The type attribute for detailed information on supported values and processing implications. CDATA #IMPLIED No
format The format attribute identifies the format of the resource being referenced. See The format attribute for details on supported values. CDATA #IMPLIED No
scope The scope attribute identifies the closeness of the relationship between the current document and the target resource. See The scope attribute for more information on values. (local | peer | external | -dita-use-​conref-​target) #IMPLIED No
role The role attribute defines the role the target topic plays in relationship with the current topic. For example, in a parent/child relationship, the role would be "parent" when the target is the parent of the current topic, and "child" when the target is the child of the current topic. This structure could be used to sort and classify links at display time. See The role attribute for information on supported values.

The role attribute values sample and external are deprecated.

(parent | child | sibling | friend | next | previous | cousin | ancestor | descendant | sample | external | other | -dita-use-​conref-​target) #IMPLIED No
otherrole Indicates an alternate role. This value is used when the role attribute is set to other. CDATA #IMPLIED No

The "relational-atts" attribute group is used within the DITA DTDs as a common definition for attributes available to elements that represent topic-to-topic relationships. Some typical examples include:

<link type="task" role="child" href="how2uninst.dita" scope="local"/>
<link type="concept" role="parent" href="aboutTheThing.dita" scope="local"/>