Class AuthorCSSAlternativesCustomizer

    public abstract class AuthorCSSAlternativesCustomizer
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides the list of CSS alternatives which can be selected in the Styles drop-down by the end user.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthorCSSAlternativesCustomizer

        public AuthorCSSAlternativesCustomizer()
    • Method Detail

      • customizeAvailableCSSGroups

        public void customizeAvailableCSSGroups​(WSAuthorEditorPage authorPage,
                                                java.util.List<CSSGroup> availableCSSGroups)
        Get the list of CSS groups from which the user can choose when editing an XML document. The groups are presented by the application in the Styles drop-down chooser. Each CSS group has a title and a set of CSS documents which can be applied.
        authorPage - The page for which we request the CSS groups. This can be null if the method is called outside an Editor context. (case: transforming to PDF (with Price CSS) of a topic or map directly from the project, without opening it.)
        availableCSSGroups - The groups which would be presented by the application in the Styles drop-down chooser if not changed by this customizer. Each group is presented as a separate entry.
      • customizeCSSGroupsToApply

        public void customizeCSSGroupsToApply​(WSAuthorEditorPage authorPage,
                                              java.util.List<CSSGroup> proposedCSSGroupsToApply,
                                              java.util.List<CSSGroup> allAvailableCSSGroups)
        Get the list of CSS Groups to apply when the document is opened in order to render the XML in the CSS-driven visual editing mode.
        authorPage - The page for which we request the CSS groups.
        proposedCSSGroupsToApply - The CSS groups which will be applied on the loaded XML by the application if the customizer does not perform modifications.
        allAvailableCSSGroups - The list of all available CSS groups (the groups also available in the Styles drop-down).
      • cssGroupsAboutToBeChanged

        public void cssGroupsAboutToBeChanged​(WSAuthorEditorPage authorPage,
                                              java.util.List<CSSGroup> proposedCSSGroupsToApply,
                                              java.util.List<CSSGroup> allAvailableCSSGroups)
        Callback when the styles are changed by the user using the GUI in the CSS-driven visual editing mode.
        authorPage - The page for which we request the CSS groups.
        proposedCSSGroupsToApply - The CSS groups which will be applied on the XML by the application if the customizer does not perform modifications.
        allAvailableCSSGroups - The list of all available CSS groups (the groups also available in the Styles drop-down).