Class SAPropertyPanel

    public class SAPropertyPanel
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class will add to the given parent container a label with the property render string and a combobox containing all the possible values for the given property. It will return the user choice as a TableProperty object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SAPropertyPanel

        public SAPropertyPanel​(javax.swing.JPanel parentContainer,
                               java.awt.GridBagConstraints constr,
                               TableProperty tableProperty,
                               AuthorResourceBundle authorResourceBundle,
                               PropertySelectionController controller,
                               int firstChildTopInset,
                               boolean firstChild)
        parentContainer - The component that will contain the current property.
        constr - The GridBagConstraints object.
        tableProperty - The table property that will be shown by the current panel.
        authorResourceBundle - The AuthorResourceBundle object, which allow to i18n the property render string.
        controller - The controller used to update the dialog when a value is changed.
        firstChildTopInset - The top inset for the first child in parent.
        firstChild - true if the current panel is the first child of the given parent container.
    • Method Detail

      • getModifiedProperty

        public TableProperty getModifiedProperty()
        Get the new table property. If the value of the given property is not modified, a null object will be return.
        The modified property or null if the property value was not changed.
      • getCurrentlySelectedValue

        public java.lang.String getCurrentlySelectedValue()
        Obtain the currently selected value;
        The currently selected value for this property.
      • getTableProperty

        public TableProperty getTableProperty()
        Returns the table property.