Interface InsertTableOperationBase

    • Method Detail

      • insertTable

        void insertTable​(AuthorDocumentFragment[] fragments,
                         boolean cellsFragments,
                         AuthorAccess authorAccess,
                         java.lang.String namespace,
                         AuthorTableHelper tableHelper,
                         TableInfo tableInfo)
                  throws AuthorOperationException
        If the fragments array is not null, this method converts the given fragments array into a table. Each fragments will correspond to a cell. The resulting table will have one column and as many rows as fragments length. If no fragment is provided an empty table is inserted (a dialog is shown to choose all the table properties)
        fragments - An array of AuthorDocumentFragments that are used as content of the inserted cells.
        cellsFragments - If the value is true then the fragments where originally cells.
        authorAccess - The author access.
        namespace - The namespace.
        tableHelper - The table helper.
        tableInfo - The details about table creation. If null, a dialog is presented to let the user choose the details.