Class SortOperation

    • Field Detail

      • COLUMN

        protected static final java.lang.String COLUMN
        String used in the default name for the sorting criterion.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • authorAccess

        protected AuthorAccess authorAccess
        The Author access.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SortOperation

        public SortOperation​(java.lang.String selElementsString,
                             java.lang.String allElementsString)
        selElementsString - The name of the "selected elements" radio combo.
        allElementsString - The name of the "all elements" radio combo.
    • Method Detail

      • canBeSorted

        public abstract void canBeSorted​(AuthorElement parent,
                                         int[] selectedNonIgnoredChildrenInterval)
                                  throws AuthorOperationException
        Check if the parent element selected children can be sorted. For example a table row containing a cell with rowspan cannot be sorted and stops the operation.
        parent - The parent of the elements which will be sorted.
        selectedNonIgnoredChildrenInterval - The interval of selected children indices.
        AuthorOperationException - When the given node is not sortable. For example a table row containing a cell with multiple rowspan stops the operation.
      • getSelectedNonIgnoredChildrenInterval

        public int[] getSelectedNonIgnoredChildrenInterval​(AuthorElement parent)
        Return the interval of sortable nodes indices covered by selection.
        parent - The parent node for the sortable nodes.
        An interval of sortable nodes indices that can be sorted. Typically it returns a non-null interval when the selected sortable nodes from parent are part of a continuous sequence. If the selection must be ignored or the sequence of selected nodes is discontinuous it returns null.
      • forceSortAll

        protected boolean forceSortAll()
        true if the sort operation should not use the selected element and should always sort all elements.
      • getNonIgnoredChildren

        protected java.util.List<AuthorNode> getNonIgnoredChildren​(AuthorElement parent)
        Returns a list of non ignored children.
        parent - The parent node.
        A list of non ignored children.
      • getSortParent

        public abstract AuthorElement getSortParent​(int offset,
                                                    AuthorAccess authorAccess)
                                             throws AuthorOperationException
        Obtain the parent node of all the nodes which will be sorted.
        offset - The offset where the operation was invoked.
        authorAccess - The AuthorAccess.
        The parent node of the nodes which will be sorted.
        AuthorOperationException - When the offset is negative or greater than the content length.
      • isIgnored

        public abstract boolean isIgnored​(AuthorNode node)
        Checks if a given node is ignored when sorting.
        node - The node to be checked.
        true if the given node is ignored when sorting.
      • getSortKeysValues

        public abstract java.lang.String[] getSortKeysValues​(AuthorNode node,
                                                             SortCriteriaInformation sortInfo)
                                                      throws AuthorOperationException
        Obtain the values of the keys that can be used for sorting.
        node - The element which will be sorted.
        sortInfo - The sort information corresponding to the user choice.
        an array containing the values of the keys which can be used for sorting.
        AuthorOperationException - If the text content cannot be obtained.
      • getTextContentToSort

        protected java.lang.String getTextContentToSort​(AuthorNode node)
        Given a node obtain the content to be used during the sort operation. In general this text does not contain the deleted changes and the leading or trailing spaces.
        node - The node to get the value for.
        The test to be considered as sort key value.
      • getHelpPageID

        protected java.lang.String getHelpPageID()
        Get the ID of the help page which will be called by the end user.
        the ID of the help page which will be called by the end user or null.