Class CriterionComposite

    public class CriterionComposite
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class will add to the given parent container a checkbox to enable the criterion, a combobox to select the key, a type combobox and order combobox. It will return the user choice as a CriterionInformation object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CriterionComposite

        public CriterionComposite​(org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite parent,
                                  AuthorResourceBundle authorResourceBundle,
                                  java.util.List<CriterionInformation> criterionInformation,
                                  CriterionInformation selectedItem,
                                  boolean isFirstCriterion,
                                  KeysController keysController,
                                  java.util.List<CriterionInformation> allCriteria)
        parent - The parent composite.
        authorResourceBundle - The Author resource bundle
        criterionInformation - The list of available criterion which will be added to the keys combobox.
        selectedItem - The item which will be selected in the keys combobox.
        isFirstCriterion - true if the titles for every component of the current composite should be displayed.
        keysController - The keys combo controller.
        allCriteria - All criteria information, not only the criteria information shown by the current criterion composite.
    • Method Detail

      • getKeyCombo

        public org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo getKeyCombo()
        Obtain access to the keys combobox.
        Returns the keys combobox.
      • getInformation

        public CriterionInformation getInformation()
        Returns the user input as a CriterionInformation object.
        The criterion information selected by the user in the current component.
      • enableSortcriterion

        public void enableSortcriterion()
        Selects the checbox associated with the criterion panel, which means that the criterion information from it will be taken into account when sorting.