Class TableColumnSpecificationInformation

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, AuthorContentMetadata
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class TableColumnSpecificationInformation
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements AuthorContentMetadata
    Contains information about column specification (like column specified width). It can be extended to provide specific table column properties for different types of tables or document types.
    This information is requested when a column is copied or dragged and it can be used when the column must be inserted in the document (on paste or drop). Please note that when a column is copied the table column specification information will be copied into the clipboard (the AuthorClipboardObject contains a field of TableColumnSpecificationInformation type), so it will be serialized.
    The column specification is send as an argument to the AuthorTableOperationsHandler.handleInsertColumn(AuthorTableInsertColumnArguments) method and it can be used to keep informations like column name or column width unchchanged when the column is moved or copy-pasted.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableColumnSpecificationInformation

        public TableColumnSpecificationInformation​(WidthRepresentation widthRepresentation)
        widthRepresentation - The column width representation that specifies the fixed and relative width determined from the column specification.
    • Method Detail

      • getWidthRepresentation

        public WidthRepresentation getWidthRepresentation()
        Returns the column width representation that specifies the fixed and relative width determined from the column specification.