Class AuthorPersistentHighlightsListener

    • Constructor Detail

      • AuthorPersistentHighlightsListener

        public AuthorPersistentHighlightsListener()
    • Method Detail

      • highlightsRemoved

        public void highlightsRemoved​(java.util.List<AuthorPersistentHighlight> highlights)
        Notified when a list of AuthorPersistentHighlight are removed from the document.
        highlights - The list of highlights to be removed.
      • highlightUpdated

        public abstract void highlightUpdated​(AuthorPersistentHighlight highlight)
        Notified when a property of a AuthorPersistentHighlight is updated, for example changing the comment of a change tracking marker.
        highlight - The updated highlight.
      • highlightRangeReconfiguredUpdated

        public void highlightRangeReconfiguredUpdated​(AuthorPersistentHighlight highlight,
                                                      int oldStartOffset,
                                                      int oldEndOffset)
        Notified when the range of a AuthorPersistentHighlight is updated, for example the start or end offsets might have changed.
        highlight - The updated highlight.
        oldStartOffset - The old start range for the highlight.
        oldEndOffset - The old end range for the highlight
      • highlightsChanged

        public abstract void highlightsChanged()
        Event which notifies that the list of highlights (change tracking, comments or custom) has changed in an unpredictable way. API code which inserts or deletes multiple fragments in one operation like:
        ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorDocumentController.insertMultipleFragments(AuthorElement, AuthorDocumentFragment[], int[])
        ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorDocumentController.insertMultipleElements(AuthorElement, String[], int[], String)
        ro.sync.ecss.extensions.api.AuthorDocumentController.multipleDelete(AuthorElement, int[], int[])
        will not fire atomic events each time a highlight is reconfigured.
        Instead, they will fire a single event after the operation has finished notifying the listener to reconfigure all its highlight data.
        This event will follow an: